On 17th of June 2023 the Inline Foundation invites you to the first UFE-Symposium in the Siemens Villa in Berlin, to open a dialogue about the "Unified Field Energy (UFE*) – Chances & Risks”.
In this context, the world-famous Walcker organ in the Siemens Villa will also be inaugurated by the two organists Julian Becker and Prof. Thomas Lennartz.
17. June 2023
Siemens Villa, Berlin, Germany

The Inline Foundation's Vision
Inline Foundation is proud to present a series of symposia scheduled to begin in 2023 at Siemens Villa. Started by Stefan Peter in 2015, the vision of the Foundation is to cultivate consciousness, unfold potential,
individually and collectively to create authentic connectivity.
The Mission
The mission of the UFE-Symposium, which echoes back to Berlin in the summer of 1930, when the second World Power Conference was held in the capital, is to reinvestigate energy as a context to be explored in broad and multiple aspects.
The symposia take a dual investigative approach — the scientific and the experiential — to explore the various manifestations of energy. Today, energy is understood as the underlying force that connects the universe. Exploring how humanity can apply fundamental energy sources for the common good is the essential theme for the UFE-Symposia.
Do you belive in miracles?
I do.
Serendipitously, I meet Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a spiritual leader, in 2015 in Berlin. That day my life changed in the most profound and remarkable way. During this encounter, he initiated an incredible abundance of energy within me – I define it as the individual connectivity to the Unified Field Energy (UFE).
This level of high energy allowed me to be far more active and creative than ever before, though after 6 months, this energy vanished as fast as it accrued.
Ancient traditions assert that this source of energy is inherent in each of us. The question is: How can we activate and maintain it?

Stefan Peter, Founder Inline Foundation
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
Albert Einstein
Paradigm Change
The Symposium will gather people with similar life experiences and/or knowledge. We will investigate the chances and risks of entering the "Unified Field Energy" in an open, undogmatic, and science-based way.
We want to build a bridge between deep ancient wisdom from around the globe with cutting edge science to resolve the notion that there are limited resources in this world, and create a new paradigm for how we view energy, and it’s infinite abundance.
Our objective is to develop contemporary and innovative methods to activate this energy within each of us and utilize it responsibly.
This photo represents the unity of mythology, religious art and modern physics at CERN**
“Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way.
This is not Philosophy. This is Physics.”
Albert Einstein***
The panel consists of renown artists, scientists, spiritual teachers and entrepreneurs. Artists focusing on light and sound frequencies, physicists from CERN and neuroscientists, spiritual teachers from different traditions, entrepreneurs, in the field of AI and biotech and international musicians.

Franz Liszt - Prelude and Fugue on B-A-C-H - Julian Becker
Stahlhuth-Jann Organ in St. Martin, Dudelange, Luxembourg
TIMELINE 17.06.2023
The agenda includes breathwork and meditation, two panel discussions and live musical performances on the Siemen’s Villa’s world-class Walcker organ.
10:15 am
Welcome & Introduction
10:45 am
Sound & Breathwork Experience (optional)
12:45 pm
2:00 pm
1. Panel: Chances and risks of entering the "Unified Field Energy"
3:30 pm
Music / Meditation
4:45 pm
2. Panel: Chances and risks of entering the "Unified Field Energy"
6:15 pm
7:15 pm
Universal Dance (optional) - DJ Diogo de Souza - Rio de Janeiro / Berlin

The Siemens Villa in Berlin is one of the most impressive industrial residential buildings in Germany.
Located in today's Berlin district of Steglitz-Zehlendorf, this stately house surrounded by a spacious park is reminiscent of the time when industrial pioneers wrote not only economic and social history, but also established new architectural paradigms in the concepts and designs of their private refuges.
The Villa originally known as the “Correns Manor,” was built by industrial entrepreneur Friedrich Christian Correns in 1914 shortly before World War I was just declared. The Villa has withstood two World Wars and the division of the city of Berlin. Correns was the director of the Accumulatoren-Fabrik-AG, from which Varta, a battery manufacturing company, later emerged.
He commissioned the architects Fritz Freymüller and Albert Denzel to design and build the Villa. The remarkably good current conservation of the building is due to the architects’ use of the best construction materials at the time and to the work by highly qualified craftsmen who had been recommended to Correns by Emperor Wilhelm II.
Siemens, an avid music lover and most significant music philanthropist built a concert hall of over 800 square meters in 1928, which remains world-renowned today for its extraordinary acoustics. Radio stations and music companies currently record in the hall regularly. The Wurlitzer organ installed there became world-famous. Still playable today, it is one of the highlights of the Berlin Musical Instrument Museum. The Walcker organ in the specifically designed organ room in the villa was restored in 2023.
* To get a deeper understanding about our term UFE, please open this link.
** A plaque next to the statue of Nataraja, gifted in 2004 by the government of India and positioned at CERN, Switzerland, home to the Large Hadron Collider, bears a profound explanation for seamlessly bridging mythology, religion, science and the ever-changing universe. The plaque bears a quote from Fritjof Capra, explains why the two-metre tall Natraja's statue has a natural presence at CERN: “Hundreds of years ago, Indian artists created visual images of dancing Shivas in a beautiful series of bronzes. In our time, physicists have used the most advanced technology to portray the patterns of the cosmic dance. The metaphor of the cosmic dance thus unifies ancient mythology, religious art and modern physics.